WHEREAS, PACE (Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) provides high-
quality care in the community to older people with chronic needs; and
WHEREAS, PACE is a fully integrated model that provides comprehensive, highly coordinated services which allow older adults who qualify for nursing home levels of care to continue living in the community; and
WHEREAS, PACE provides a model for integrating social supports and medical care while allowing the person to remain at home and avoid a hospital admission or nursing home placement; and
WHEREAS, individuals enrolled in PACE receive all Medicare and Medicaid covered items and services, as well as additional supports which promote well-being and greater independence; and
WHEREAS, PACE programs assume full financial risk for all medical care and related services - including transportation, hospitalization, and long-term care - in return for capitated payments from Medicare and Medicaid, thereby controlling costs for the state while providing improved health outcomes and greater satisfaction for participants; and
WHEREAS, the Governor's Advisory Council on Aging, Committee on the Integration of Medical and Social Programs, recommends expanding the number of PACE programs and the capacity of existing PACE programs; and
WHEREAS, PACE serves more than 2,000 participants through 11 PACE programs in 12 sites across the state: Elderhaus in Wilmington; Piedmont Health SeniorCare in Burlington and Pittsboro; LIFE St. Joseph of the Pines in Fayetteville; PACE of the Triad in Greensboro; PACE@Home in Newton; Carolina SeniorCare in Lexington; PACE of the Southern Piedmont in Charlotte; Senior Comm Unity Care of NC in Durham; Senior Total Life Care in Gastonia; Staywell Senior Care in Asheboro; and CarePartners PACE in Asheville; and
WHEREAS, the North Carolina PACE Association was formed in 2011 to support the development, expansion, success, and quality of PACE programs throughout the state so that every person who is eligible for PACE will have access to this service;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim September, 2024, as “PACE MONTH” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.
