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Caregiver Support

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Alzheimer's Caregiver Support

Senior TLC's mission is to encourage and support the quality of life of seniors wishing to continue living in the community, and in doing so we see the struggles that caregivers face on a daily basis.


Our care team is dedicated to helping with the needs of family caregivers and their loved ones so they can continue to age in place. 

In the past few years we have seen an increasing trend of seniors with an Alzheimer's, Dementia, or similar diagnosis who are choosing to age at home, and we recognize that these diagnoses come with their own difficulties. Our goal is to provide support to these caregivers by opening our Gastonia center to the community one evening a month for our Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group, led by Dementia and Community Education Specialist, Vernell Mitchell.

Vernell Mitchell Senior TLC Alzheimer's and Dementia Specialist Gastonia, NC

"So many caregivers come in thinking that no one experiences or understands what they are going through. Our support group offers a safe and supportive space where caregivers can share information and experiences with others who understand.


My goal is to help you leave feeling supported and relieved. You are not alone, and you shouldn't have to feel like you are."



-Vernell Michell

Dementia and Community Education Specialist

Interested in Attending Our Support Group? Contact Us Today!
Call 704-874-2295 or fill out the form below and we will reach out to you!

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Our care team is dedicated to helping with the needs of family caregivers and their loved ones so they can continue to age in place. We specialize in caring for seniors, whether it’s health care, home care, care coordination, or just having someone to call when you need assistance, PACE is there every step of the way.

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